Sunday, April 3, 2011

I don't know what to do :(?

I'm 17 years old and 6w2d pregnant and have no insurance. I applied for medicaid when I found out that I was pregnant and haven't recieved anything from them so today I called our DHS office and she said that everything was "pending". I've been using the free clinics in my city for prenatal care but they only do so much. I want to make an appointment with an OB/GYN but I don't have the money to pay them out of pocket. Is there any reason they will deny me medicaid? I do work but I only make $8.50/hr working 25-30 a week. Can I go to the doctor and tell them that I've applied for medicaid? I'm just worried.

I need to know how to cure this.. fast!?

Drink lots of water, eat vegetables, and get lots of sleep. Don't go out and get drunk again. Drink honey and lemon juice to help your throat.

Maternity Health Insurance and moving?

check to see how much COBRA is it may not be as expensive as you think and is much cheaper in the long run than paying the hospital and OB yourself

My 10-12 pound mini-dachsund just ate a Flinstones chewable childrens vitamin. Should I be concerned?

It was dropped on the ground and she ate it quicker than we could grab it away. It was an hour ago and she's completely fine right now, playing with her sister, and we gave her extra water to drink... Should we call the vet anyway?

Chewable Niacin vitamins?

have you ever checked out AlternaVites? They have chewable and/or disolvable vitamins and it works great for my mother who has trouble swallowing pills as well.

Does health departments have bus services?

I live in richmond virginia and im going to the richmond health department for a prenatal appointment. Do they have bus services?

Can flax-seed and prenatal vitamins be mix?

I wanna get pregnant and my doctor gave me prenatal vitamins, i been drinking flax seed for a while to slim down and keep my weight but I also found out flax-seed is good for ovulation, but i wonder if prenatal vitamins can be mix with flax-seed??

2 questions: Why is pepto bismol pink and are chewable vitamins only for kids?

chewable vitamins are not only for kids

Iam epilepsy patient doctor gave me medecine along with vitamin called supradyn. so what is this vitamin for?

Its a super multivitamin. Very good for you. I assume that it is to keep you body healthy so the medicine he gave you will work at its best. You have a good doctor :)

Any water/Sweat Proof Foundations?

I'd say Mac.all products are usually super long lasting no matter what kind of activity you do.

Giving medicine to a 7 year old child before tooth fillings?

I would like to know if it's okay to give my daughter IB Profen or some chewable Tylenol tablets an hour or so before she gets her teeth fixed? She's having fillings done to her front two teeth to reconstruct them after a blunt fall at school.

Forgot to take my Prenatal vitamin...?

Today has been a long day for me, and its 11:30pm here in indiana, and i dont remember if i took my prenatal... is it safe to take one just incase, even though there might already be one in my system? Or should i just wait til tomorrow morning?

Are prenatal vitamins better then regular vitamins for women?

Prenatal vitamins do provide higher levels of certain vitamins and minerals than your everyday multi-vitamins. They're formulated that way because a woman's body needs those higher levels during pregnancy to provide adequate nutrition for both her and her child. The excess of certain nutrients, like iron, can actually be bad for you. In addition to the multi-vitamin, you should be getting these things in your diet. Just stick with a regular multi-vitamin. It's not worth the extra stress you'll put on your system.

Seeking flavourless, liquid Iron and Vitamin supplement for my son.?

There are flavored vitamin supplements for children that actually taste good and they like to take them, so ask you pharmacist if one of those could do the trick.

Could dark and smelly urine be from multi vitamine?

For the past couple of days I have had dark and smelly urine. I plan to go to the doctor soon just to check it out. I am thinking it is possible it is a UTI but could it also be from my multi vitamin 'Alive' I recently started taking as well?

Whats the first step you do after finding out you are pregnant?

Last year i had a miscarriage in July, im scared that the same thing might hapen. I took the test yesterday and came out positive, i might be 1 month, my last perios was around the 29 of december. what should i do now, should i start taking prenatal vitamins or should i wait until the doctor tells me to?

Children's Medicine for Tension Headaches?

Is there any liquid or chewable medicine to get rid of a tension headache caused by scoliosis?

Clear Polysporin On Tattoo?

my professionall tattoo arst said to you use Clear Polysporin on my tattoo it has 2 antibioics and is enriched with vitamin E.. so if my professionall said to use it why is everyone online saying not too?? wtf.. I DONT WANNA WRRECK MY TATTOO PLEASE ANSWER

My friends are *VERY* uneducated about veganism. Why are people so clueless?

You really thought that kids in 10th grade would be mature and educated about anything? Seriously?

My 1 year old son has had diarrhea for about a week?

Go to doctor or starve the child of the bug,it's harsh but it's the only way I'm afraid for tummy bugs,had to do it on my daughter and felt awful but she got bad rashes so it was best in the long run

Question about chronic constipation?

I'm a 20-year-old, otherwise healthy female but I have had chronic constipation for my whole life. As a child I was given every laxative you can think of by my pediatrician but they all made me feel worse than not being on them. At different points in time I was on mineral oil, miralax, metamucil powder and wafers, milk of magnesia liquid and chewable form, senekot, and I'm sure I'm leaving something out. All of this was treatment from both my pediatrician and a pediatric GI specialist when I was about 7 or 8. Anyway, I have a bowel movement once, sometimes twice a week and it's always very large, dark, and hard. It's embarrassing but it's too large to even be flushed and has to be broken up first. And even then, it still clogs the toilet fairly often. I drink water constantly and I try to eat extra fiber but fiber only makes me gassy and uncomfortable but does not help with the bowel movements at all. I am slightly overweight so I know it's not a malabsorption issue. My Grandfather had ulcerative colitis and my father has Chrone's Disease and he had colon cancer. Both the opposite of my symptoms. I'm getting frustrated with this. Does anyone have any advice?

Maternity Health Insurance and moving?

Cobra would be your best option or you could postpone your move until after the baby is born. Your husband is currently employed which is better than what he will be when you move. Jobs are hard to get so you need to be very careful now with the new responsibilities that come with parenthood.

Tons of negative test results? could i still be pregnant?

My older sister could not come up positive on a HPT till after she was three moths pregnant, and two weeks ago she gave birth to my beautiful healthy neice! Some women develope the HCG hormone slower then others, or develope the other hormones more then the HCG which could be deluting the tests. If your period doesn't show up here soon make a doctors appt for a blood tests. These seem to be much more accurate with very little fail! Lots of baby dust:)

8 weeks pregnant and constantly worrying?!?!?!?

Yes it's completely normal, all those symptoms are normal and it's natural for you as a mother to worry, but don't worry everything will be okay, and if it's really still bothering you by tuesday then it doesnt hurt to tell ur doctor because they will give you a ressuring answer :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

In rain water which vitamin we get?

None. Water doesn't contain vitamins.

Pills for headache were soft and fell apart in my mouth?

ive been having headaches lately so i went to my medicine cabinet to get chewable tylenol and as soon as i put two in my mouth they fell apart and were moist. i put a pill between my fingers and it fell apart as well. i feel woozy and dizzy now, and this bottle of tylenol was purchased a week ago. any ideas? thanks

White spots after braces?

that's sign of demineralized enamel(outermost layer of tooth). enamel should have strong content of mineral so that it can protect tooth. but, if mineral get leaked out due to acid or plague that's not cleaned for some time, that area is prone to decay. sometimes, there is already decay under that whitish weakened enamel layer. i know it's hard to clean around bracket, but you should make sure you clean every corner.

Can I dissolve pepto bismol chewable tablets in warm water and then drink it instead chewing it?

I never do well with chewing it. I always end up gagging, or choking on pills, Idk why even if it is chewable. So can I dissolve it in warm water and drink it?

Does advanced colon or Acai optimum work?

my friend if you need to loose weight quick and the healthy way then you need to get this program

Can vitamins cause heart palpitations?

I'm 17 and just started taking new vitamins and have some heart palpitations. I'm active, and pretty healthy overall. They worry me and I don't know why I'm getting them. Sometimes my heart beats faster when I've eaten a big meal too. I've been stressed out lately by friends and college plans, school work. What could be wrong and is this normal? Should I stop excercising and working my heart alot because I run about 4-5 times a week or should I increase excercise. Could the vitamins be causing them? I'm takingthe cvs chewable spectravite vitamins.

10 POINTS! how can i get prenatal care without insurance.?

Im in richmond virginia. I dnt have a car im trying to apply for medicaid but i want to check my baby.

Ginger pills really work?!?

So i am going to an amusement park (six flags,magic mountain) and I heard that ginger helps nausea! I do not know what kind to get. Do I get the pills or the ginger root or the one you put into tea. I know that ginger is natural so I was thinking of taking some sort of ginger with 2 chewable Bonine. Does that sound good? Thank You! Oh and do I just swallow one pill like an hour before the ride? Answer all these questions and I will choose you for best answer. Include details and don't just say I think so or yes, Thanks :)

What kind of padding should I use for my dog's dog house?

I have a dogloo for my Golden Retriever and every padding I've put in it for him to sleep on, he has chewed up. I even put the supposedly non-chewable pad and it was gone in a few days. I spent about $60 on that too! I've tried carpet, but that's proven to be a health hazard. He not only chews on it, but it also gets stuck in this throat. It's getting cold now, so I'm out of ideas.

Prenatal vitamin question?

Ok I am 20 weeks today and last night I almost forgot to take my prenatal I ended up taking it at 11:29pm. So my question is. Is it ok for me to take one today??

Can you swallow tablets that are 'chewable'?

I accidentally bought 'chewable' vitamins, and I despise chewing 'medicinal-y' things. Can you swallow them and they will break down in your digestive system, or do they have to be chewed?

Why is my dad so annoying?

He always embarrasses me and never washes his hands! I just remembered that after he handed me a vitamin. Those chewable ones. For 14, I just realized he literally handed me his dick! I hate him! He also tries to embarrass me as much as possible, and always watches me. I want to shoot him so badly!

Gummy bear in my one a day gummy vitamins?

The seal of the vitamins was not broken. The gummy bear is slightly squishier than the other vitamins. Is it unsafe to eat the bear and/or the vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins and frequent BMs?

I have been taking bellybar chewable prenatal vitamins for 3 weeks now (ttc)... And I have noticed more frequent bowel movements. For instance, today I have went 4 times! And only been awake for 5 hours! Is this normal?

Is it safe to drink ensure and take Prenatal vitamins while pregnant ?

Talk to your doctor but I would say its ok, just because the baby is taking a lot out of you, you might need more energy or something for your body. Even though thats what prenatal's are for but they have different ensures.

Is this bad? Help please?

So I'm taking a multivitamin at the moment. And I was told I have to take a prenatal for the extra folic acid. Well I bough this thing of chewable prenatal. It says to chew 2 a day. I was thinking sense my multi vitamin has 100% of my folic acid and my prenatal it takes two of them to get 100% of what I need. There is only 60 prenatal so it would last me only 30 days. My question is wouldn't it be the same to take my multivitamin and just one chewable? It would save me money by making them last longer.

Concerned about my wife getting Amniocentesis test (please read)...?

the results are NOT 100%. The only reason you would consider doing the procedure is if you are the type of people that would terminate your child's life because they "might" have a medical condition. Defects of the brain and heart are better determined with the 20 week ultrasound and you have no risk of causing a miscarriage. My OB Doctor here in the US is required to offer the test, but they in no way recommend it because of it's inaccuracy. Your doctor will make a great deal of extra money by doing the test and that is probably the reason he is insisting.

Taking my prenatal pill.?

Im 3 1/2 months pregnant, and i know that it's very important to take my prenatal pills daily. Which i have been, but lately when i take them sometimes they make me have an upset stomach and i ended up throwing it up.. Does anyone have any other options besides the pill, or any advice on how i can take them without getting sick? thanks.

Prenatal vitamins - are they okay?

My cousin just had her baby and she had a ton of them left over that she gave to me. I've heard they're really good for your skin and hair, but is it okay to take them if you're not pregnant?

Before I call, just wondering if it's beneficial or a waste of my time, based on your experiences?

I would probably do two things in this situation. 1) Switch doctors!!!! He is needlessly scaring you and you don't need that!! Given what you have written, no reason yo need to automatically go with a c-section!! Find a doctor who seems to have a better bedside manner and who is more open to options. 2) Go with a midwife as well! They can be a great advocate for you on the delivery room and help you carry through with your wishes! I didn't realize they were covered here though - I think that may be a provincial thing?? What province are you in? Quebec? I believe they have really great policies on alternative care!! Best wishes!

How Beneficial Are Prenatal Classes?

I'm on baby number one. while i'm scared, i'm not. I helped my brother raise his two oldest daughters, he was 19 when he had the first, and almost 21 when he had the second, the mother abandoned him with both && i helped him with both his girls since their were babies until their were about 5. they were great birth control! :) but, since i've been pregnant, i've done lots of reading, lots of googling, and i'm just wondering how beneficial are prenatal classes? Have women taken them or not taken them, and what was the outcome?

Anyone else get nauseous while taking iron while pregnant ? Remedies?

did he give your ferretts? its the best iron pill. if not go get that, ask the pharmacy for it theyll know what your talking about. and take it at bed, with your prenantal. start with one pill. adn drinking orange juice will help absorptions

If you have a adoption do the adopting family pay for prenatal care?

I am thinking about having a adoption and I have heard that the adopting parents pay for everything, but is this true?!

Is my hair actually growing, I can't tell?

Over a year ago I cut all of the relaXer out of my hair. I wear it in micro-braids. When i re do my hair I wash it and it shrinks up, then i re-braid it. I take prenatal vitamins and every time I braid my hair it doesn't take long before the new growth is visible but when i take it out it is in the same shrunken afro so I can't see the difference. I haven't straightened my hair in a while. If I do will I see a difference? I'm positive that it grows while I have the braids in, I'm just curious as to why I see no difference in length. And please I know all about a relaxer, so save the horror stories for another question.

Question about my prenatal vitamin?

Ok I am 20 weeks today and last night I almost forgot to take my prenatal I ended up taking it at 11:29pm. So my question is. Is it ok for me to take one today??

KORRES skincare and makeup,What is your take on them?

I LOVE Korres products. The vitamin C in the wild rose line will help with your redness. And their lip butters are fabulous!

What can I do to prepare to get pregnant?

My husband and I are going to start trying to have a baby spring of next year. I fully plan on discussing everything with my doctor but what are some of the things you have done to prepare your body for pregnancy? How soon before trying to get pregnant did you start taking prenatal vitamins? Were they the ones over the counter or by prescription? I already cut my nightly glass of red wine out of my diet. I'm only going to drink wine on special occasions during the next year and obviously stop once I get closer to getting pregnant. I want to try to have the healthiest year I can to prepare my body. Is there anything else I can do besides eating healthy and exercising?

Are prenatal vitamins really necessary or is chewable OK?

I can't swallow large pills, and sometimes crushing or cutting up pills and mixing them in something tastes yucky. I can't imagine doing that for 9 mos! Can I just pop 2 Flintstones a day or is there something about prenatal vitamins that's extra special? I told my gyn I was TTC and she said chewables are fine for now.

Is the fructose in my vitamin c tablet bad for me?

I bought the Natrols brand vitamin c chewable tablets, and noticed on the back listed with the ingredients is fructose. I have heard from numerous sources that fructose is atrocious for you health, especially high fructose corn syrup. Is the fructose in my vitamin c tablet deletorious to my health?

Prednisolone and stomach pain in a six year old?

See another pediatrician. The prednisolone would have left her system by now, so it's probably not side effects from the meds but your daughter is obviously not doing well and the fact that the doctor you are seeing hasn't searched for something else says they may just not be paying attention.

I think my dog has a psychological problem, biting itself, help!?

Sadly, this may be a very rare case where the dog has such deep neurological issues, so many medical problems, and is causing so much damage to itself, that having her put to sleep may be best.

Can guinea pigs have vitamin C pills for humans?

The other answer is not true at all. Guinea pigs cannot store or produce their own vitamin C and cannot take it from the average healthy diet. The easiest way to get it to them is the drops that you add to their water. Human Vitamin C tablets could cause them an over dose.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are these vitamins okay for my daughter?

If you go to the doctor during the first 24 hours of your flu symptoms they can give you Tamiflu, but that is not an antibiotic. Antibiotics won't do anything for the flu. I wouldn't worry about giving your daughter the vitamins. Your best bet is just to wash your and her hands frequently. She has already been exposed to your flu. She will either get it or not get it. Just make sure you keep yourself and her hydrated.

Could this be trapped gas?

Ok, this is kinda embarrassing... I just went to the bathroom (#2) and afterwards my stomach and back started hurting. I took two chewable pepto-bismal and I looked up trapped gas on the internet. The symptoms I read sound like mine but I still wanted to ask. And why would I have trapped gas if I just went to the bathroom?

What STDs were you tested for at your first prenatal visit?

I know I was tested for chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV. But do they test for herpes, or do you have to specifically request it? What all were you tested for? I never thought to ask my doctor because I was so focused on the results of the HIV test (I'm a paranoid woman)! I'm just asking out of curiosity, I'm 35wks pregnant and I don't suspect I have herpes lol. Just to make that clear!

Flintstones vitamins to supplement pre-natals?

Absolutely. My doctor actually told me to take the Flintstones vitamins if I couldn't take prenatals. She said a few of her patients had such bad morning sickness that they threw ip so much they would always throw up their pills. As long as it has enough Folic Acid, your set!! (:

<<<< I have Cracks Help!! >>>>>>>>?

try neosporin, or another healing product. If it doesnt work, see your doctor.

Will birth control pills take any effect if you chew it?

I have the non-chewable kind, and I can't swallow pills whole. Will it still take effect if I chew it?

I want longer hair, can i take prenatal vitamins to make it grow longer?

Im not pregnant, but i was wondering if it was safe to take it, to try and make my hair grow longer? Have you ever done it, would you recommend it?

Can anyone recommend a zinc and vitamin B12 supplement which doesn't contain other vitamins or minerals?

Naturemade had a good b12 supplement.

Why is mr tumee not prescribed for children under 4 years?

In the dosage it says: Children four years or older, I like the combination of vitamins and the chewable form is so suitable for my 2 year-aged toddler, but I don't find anywhere online what's the problem for younger children if they take it?

Is period like bleeding bad at 7 weeks?

I had just had my first prenatal visit on monday to confirm my pregnancy. My light bleeding suddenly started to look more like a period, but only lasted two days. Is this normal? I need advice asap!

Question about calcuim tablets and vitamins?

Im 14 Have very fine hair and thin nails And I was wondering if eating about 5 chewable calcium tablets a day, 2 vitamin d tablets, jello and lots of peanut butter every day will help me grow my hair and nails faster and possibly make them thicker and healthier... The reason id need to take so much calcium is because I hate milk so I dont get enough.. Thanks for the help

3 Pregnancy Questions?

its normal to feel really hungry and Weight gain varies you sleep a lot in beginning and feel Very tired also just take your vitamins at a time you can remember,don't worry, you,ll be fine

Prenatal Nurse or OB/GYN?

I'm debating on whether I should be a Prenatal Nurse or go all the way and become an OB/GYN?

Are there gummy vitamins for teenagers?

I'm a teenage girl, and taking the One a Day for her vitamins is impossible. I just can't swallow it, no matter how hard I try. I was wondering if there's like gummy vitamins at Walmart, Target, etc that can be for teens too:) Thanks!

Chewable Vitamins - Swallowable?

Took a vitamin chewable tablet today and swallowed it on accident and was wondering if its any different or doesn't have the same effect as if I had chewed it first even though its going to the same place chewed or not? I assume "Chewable" is just a guideline more so than a rule but I just wanted to see if anyone knew for sure?


I purchased NO-JET LAG homeopathic jet lag prevention pills because I have a 16 hour non-stop direct flight coming up. Here is the issue. The box states to take one table at take-off and one tablet every 2 hours while flying and finally one after landing. My concern is how it will interrupt my trying to sleep on the plane? My flight is at 5:00pm so ideally I would like to stay awake until about 11:00pm and then try to nap or sleep. So if I were to take NO-JET-LAG chewable tablet, I am just afraid that it may keep me alert for much longer than anticipated as I would like to be able to fall asleep on plane since it is very difficult in itself to sleep on the plane I do not think that taking the tablet would make my situation better somehow??? What would you recommend the best way for me to do this since I would like to sleep on plane would it be better to just take one just during landing??? Let me know, I really would appreciate any advice or answers!!! :-)

My big dog ate half of my small dog's Nylabone (plastic/nylon chewable bone)...what should I do?

I gave both dogs appropriate size chew bones. When I got back, my 60lb dog had gotten a hold of my 10lb dog's bone and eaten half of it. The bones are made of plastic, nylon, and rubber and are hard. The directions say to call a vet, but it's late and I'm broke :( Should I wait it out, or take her to an emergency vet?

Could my mutli vitamin be causing my dark urine and strong smell?

For the past couple of days I have noticed my urine is more dark and smelly then usual. My first thought was a UTI because I had one before a couple of years ago, but I had no pain when going. Now, I am starting to think it is my multi vitamin I recently started taking. Does this cause this? I am taking 'Alive' multivitamin.

Really tired, pregnant with twins?

So as expected I'm exhausted. I'm about 13 weeks, pregnant with twins, believe me I'm so excited but when does this extreme exhaustion end. I know some women get bursts of energy at some point in the pregnancy but is there anything that I can do so I can at least make it to the gym? I'm trying to stay in good shape through out my pregnancy so I can get back into shape after I have my babies. I don't want to take any pills. I already take my prenatal vitamins and everything, I get enough sleep, my husbands sort of worried, even though I know this is normal. Any advice would be nice.

Is it possible for guinea pigs to have too much Vitamin C?

I like to give my guinea pig halved Oxbow Vitamin C Supplements as a treat, but I'm wondering if they can have too much.

Is there anything i can do to improve my bunny's cage?

wire floor cages with time may harm your bunnies feet try placing a hay mat ,cardboard,or tile on his floor so he has some where to rest his feet.Also u might wanna add a litter pan so he can use the restroom in it that makes cage cleaning easier.